LAPD Training

If you are selected for the LAPD, you will be sent to the world famous LAPD Academy for six months of training. Training is rigorous, demanding and exhausting. It is also a rewarding life-changing experience. New officers learn how much they are capable of by succeeding at seemingly impossible challenges, both physical and mental.

Training is free and Officers are paid their full starting salary beginning the first day of training.

Much of the training occurs in the classroom. Officers learn law, human relations, Spanish and report writing. Officers are also trained in tactics, firearms and driving. Physical fitness and self-defense training plays a big part in the Academy. In fact, the physical fitness part of the program is so demanding that recruits are encouraged to start a training regimen before entering the Academy. The best place to start your new physical fitness regimen is at our Candidate Advancement Program.

The LAPD Police Academy Curriculum:

Two Police SUV's driving on the street.

Encompasses arrest and booking procedures, preliminary investigation techniques, radio and communications, report writing, traffic investigation, and traffic enforcement.


Includes the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course, which covers defensive driving, pursuit policy, and safe vehicle handling.

Firearms Training  

Includes weapon care and safety, marksmanship, tactical manipulation with the sidearm and shotgun, and chemical agents handling (Police candidates are strongly discouraged from seeking firearms instruction prior to entering the Police Academy. Poor marksmanship habits may be developed that are difficult or impossible to overcome.).

Human Relations

Includes cultural sensitivity training, sexual harassment issues, media relations, stress management, disability awareness, community relations, tactical communications, hate crimes, missing persons, and domestic violence.


Covers search and seizure, evidence, laws of arrest, crimes against persons and property, sex crimes, crimes against children, and other general criminal statutes falling under the California Penal Code, Los Angeles Municipal Code, Welfare and Institutions Code, and Federal Laws.

Physical Training

Builds strength and endurance through physical conditioning while promoting a positive attitude toward a fitness lifestyle. It also encompasses training in physical arrest techniques, controls, and weaponless defense.

Two officers talking to a person sitting on a bench.
LAPD Diver jumping off of boat.

Covers patrol techniques and procedures, crimes in progress, building searches, vehicle stops, use of deadly force, and shooting policy.

LAPD Specific Training

Includes Advanced Tactical Training, Mobile Field Force Tactics, Patrol Ride-Along, Mobile Digital Computer (in-car computer) Training, Alcohol Abuse, Administration of Discipline, Cultural Diversity, K-9 Operations, Air Support Operations, Bomb Squad, Community Policing and Problem Solving, Spanish Language, Civil Liabilities, and Sexual Harassment Training.

Additional Recruit expectations

Group Training at academy
In addition to the physical rigors of the Academy, recruits are expected to adhere to the following criteria:
Commute to and from the Academy

Recruits are expected to drive to and from the 3 Academy facilities for the entirety of the training program, which is approximately 6 months.  You are expected to bring gear daily which can consist of up to 40 pounds daily.

Structure of the Academy

There is much studying involved. Successful recruits usually set aside 3-4 hours to study daily, in addition to time spent at the Academy. Develop a study habit well before your start date.  Prepare and review your ability to write, taking into account proper grammar and sentence structure.  A police recruit must be able to establish study habits that include memorization and the ability to recite law and policy under stressful conditions.  Police Recruits will be required to take the information learned in class and apply it in practical scenarios.  A police recruit must organize their time appropriately throughout academy training.  Good organizational skills have proven very successful for recruits.

Daily Preparation of your Gear

All gear must be clean, polished and ready to use each day.  Set aside time to prepare and wash your gear.

You will be entrusted with a firearm

You will undergo extensive training to use it responsibly and only when absolutely necessary (Prior use of a firearm is not necessary).

Candidate Advancement Program (CAP)

FREE OF CHARGE.   CAP Candidate attendees must receive a MCT PASSING score to attend the CAP program.

Get with the Program!
The Candidate Advancement Program

Among the most difficult challenges faced by Police Officer recruits are the physical requirements of the Police Academy.  To assist you in this area, the Los Angeles Police Department offers the Candidate Assistance Program (CAP) to help you get physically fit and accustomed to the training style you will encounter at the academy.
Training is free and Officers are paid their full starting salary beginning the first day of training.

We strongly encourage all LAPD candidates to take advantage of this FREE program.
  • Get a head start on getting in the best shape of your life.
  • Get accustomed to the training style you’ll encounter at the Academy
  • Get information on what to expect at the Academy
  • Get to know the LAPD officers who conduct the program and who will provide information, support, and encouragement.
  • Network with other candidates who will have helpful information and who will provide the support and encouragement to achieve things you may not have considered possible.
Candidates in a row doing sit ups.
Athletic Male working out on ropes.

Fit4Hire Program!

This program is for ALL candidates who are deferred in medical for BMI and weight loss or are struggling with basic workouts.

  • Fit4Hire is a workout program that focuses on training circuits
  • Performed in 20-minute intervals and HIT (High Intensity Training) based
  • Focuses on improving BMI and weight loss
  • Get to know the LAPD officers who conduct the program and who will provide information, support, and encouragement.
  • Network with other candidates who will have helpful information and who will provide the support and encouragement to achieve things you may not have considered possible.

Fit4Hire Program is Tuesdays & Thursdays 6-9PM*
LAPD Academy at Elysian Park
1880 N. Academy Road (near Dodger Stadium), Los Angeles, CA 90012

*No need to sign up. Show up in workout attire and let the instructors know you're there for Fit4Hire Program


In order to receive credit for attending CAP, candidates are required to register on the myPD portal, link below.
Candidates need to schedule CAP attendance via their portal under CAP calendar:  
Mondays & Wednesdays 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturdays 7:30 am - 10:30 am
Ahmanson Recruit Training Center
5651 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045

Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm*
LAPD Academy at Elysian Park
1880 N. Academy Road (near Dodger Stadium),
Los Angeles, CA 90012

*Fit4Hire Program Offered Here

Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Devonshire Police Station
10250 Etiwanda Ave, Northridge, CA 91324

Phone: (818) 832-0633

Demonstrating a correct push up in the CAP program.

New CAP Locations

New Early Morning One Hour CAP Session Launches Every Wednesday Morning at Elysian Park!!

CAP will start at 5:30 AM and finish at 6:30 AM.
LAPD Academy at Elysian Park
1880 N. Academy Road (near Dodger Stadium),
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Check in at the front gate and meet up at the track.

NOTE: Park your vehicle on the street in front of the academy (not in the parking lot).
What to bring: Water, and CAP uniform (shirts, shorts, sweatshirt, and sweat pants).
NOTE: First time CAP attendees may come in standard workout attire.
Be sure to complete the CAP waiver and register for CAP through your portal.  Both can be done under the “CAP Events & Prep”

See you there!

Saturdays 7:30am - 10:30am
Mt. San Antonio College
1100 N Grand Ave, Walnut, CA 91789

CAP candidates are to park and meet in LOT A at 7:30am.

Mt SAC Map

Women's CAP

Women's CAP will be offered once a month on the third Saturday of every month
from 7:30 am - 10:30 am at the following locations:
Mt. San Antonio College
1100 N Grand Ave, Walnut, CA 91789

CAP candidates are to park and meet in LOT A at 7:30am.

Ahmanson Recruit Training Center
5651 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045

Pre-Register on Eventbrite:

You do not have to be an LAPD candidate.

CAP IS FREE OF CHARGE. Participants must be in the LAPD hiring process. Participants need to arrive wearing workout gear and appropriate running shoes.  
Schedule subject to change.  Classes are not held on holidays or holiday weekends.